Freelance Writing 101: A Complete Guide To Making Money

guide to freelance writing

Freelance writing offers a ton of advantages; you can schedule your work as per your choice. However, it's not as exciting as it sounds. Becoming a full-time freelance writer requires a lot of practice and learning. Let's learn all the nitty-gritty of freelance writing. 

Working as a freelance writer can be confusing, especially for beginners. As they don't know the tricks to get the first project, and how to avoid scams. Don't worry, we are here to help you. 

You just need to learn some tips to get moving on the road to successful freelancing. 

Here is a complete guide to making money as a freelance writer. Read it, make a concrete strategy and turn your dreams into reality. 

What is freelance writing?

Freelance writing is the practice of exchanging time and words for a few good dollars while not being employed by an organization or a company.

Who are freelance writers?

Freelance writers work on a self-employed basis according to a feasible schedule. Mostly, they are the independent owner of their business who work for one or more clients and get paid per writing assignments. The more versatile a writer is, the more likely they are to be paid for their work.

What are the categories of freelance writing?

freelance categories

Freelance writers can be differentiated as per the services they provide. Here are some popular categories of freelance writing.

  • Content writing

Typically, it includes everything from blog writing, article writing, amazon product description writing, e-commerce writing, and much more.

  • Freelance copywriting

It is one of the most appreciated niches in the freelance marketplace as many companies look for copywriters to write marketing content for their business. Master the art of copywriting and see how it helps elevate your income. 

  • Technical writing

Technical writers are usually hired by software companies, crypto or blockchain companies. A technical writer makes complex technical content more coherent and easier to understand for non-tech readers. Technical writing services includes website content, software manuals, case studies of apps, mobile game reviews, user guide, business tech proposals, etc.

  • Ghost writing

Creative writing is usually considered ghostwriting. Many creative writers write fictional or non-fictional books for different clients and earn decent money.

  • SEO writing

A professional SEO writer knows how to create content that converts and gets ranked in Google. if you are acquainted with SEO then go for it. SEO writers are high in demand as every business is getting digital and struggling to get found in search engines. 

  • Product description and review writing

If you think you can work efficiently with the product descriptions and review writings, then go for it. You can write the product descriptions for the eCommerce websites like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, etc.  You can also write reviews for service providers like insurance companies, hotels, etc. Just find the right client and start working with them.

  • Content strategist

If you are a senior writer, you can work to create content strategies and manage content to make money with freelance writing. 

What is the scope of freelance writing?

scope of freelance writing

A professional and successful freelance writer is a combination of creative and business minds and writing as a freelancer is a start to a thriving freelance business. Freelance writers can be the owner of their own businesses. Once you become a professional writer, you can market your services to potential clients. But to make money with freelance writing and turn it into a successful business, you have to put in a lot of research and hard work to make it work for you. Once you will become a master in the field, you can sell yourself effectively and clients will automatically reach out to you.

How to make money with freelance writing?

You can make money with freelance writing by offering impeccable writing services. Here are some money making-tips for freelance writers.

1. Seek out training

seek training

You don't need a formal degree to start working as a freelance writer. If you are a beginner, you will need some kind of training to make money with freelance writing.

Creativity helps you to write the best content, but still, content writing needs different strategies and tips to meet your client's demand. 

If you can't purchase an E-book or course, you can find a free online writing course. You can even follow some writers' blogs or YouTube channels to start writing. English majors can be profitable for creative writing, journalism, and communications. 

2. Find your profitable niche to make money with freelance writing

what is your niche

Getting started with freelance writing won't be confusing if you select your niche. The earlier, the better. Think outside the box and come with the best and select the right industry to start writing. 

First of all, find the industry and then find a niche in which you want to work. For instance, if you're going to work with technology, you can write on the latest trends, gadgets, etc. If you are a fitness writer, you can select niche 'weight loss,' etc.  

While choosing your niche, make sure to select the one which is easy to monetize. Besides, you enjoy working on that specific niche.

Here are some of the best niche ideas to make money with freelance writing.

Technology: That's a huge niche, you can select any micro-niche in that like health tech, fintech, tech, gadgets, etc. 

Health and fitness: That is one of the best niches to work as a copywriter because the health industry is releasing new products in a while. You can earn a handsome income by working on that niche. 

Travel: This niche is also best to start writing travel blogs and articles. 

Finance: Working in the finance niche is quite tough, but the money is handsome if you work in this niche. 

Amazon product reviews: You can earn a good amount of money by writing review blogs and review articles of products or services. It will work best if you are writing for amazon affiliate websites. 

3. Create a strong writing portfolio to make money with freelance writing

start a writing portfolio

If you want to make money with freelance writing, you should be skilled in specific niches. It is because your clients need a writer who is experienced in one niche. 

When you have selected the niche to start work with, the next step is researching that topic. 

For instance, if you are working on the digital marketing niche, search about this niche's tips and hacks. It includes targeted content, SEO and content marketing tips, social media marketing, paid to advertise, and lead generation. 

It may take a while, but when you are done with enough research, start writing samples around that niche. It will help you whenever your client asks you for sample writing to hire you as a freelance writer. Furthermore, sample writing helps you to improve your writing skills. 

4. Figure out your targeted freelance writing clients

finding clients

After creating your samples, you can use some websites to create your writer portfolio. With your samples and portfolio, your client can determine whether you are the best choice for them. 

At the start, you can go with $25 to $40 per post to make your portfolio better. It will also help you with the startup business as a writer. 

Also, try to find the ideal client who knows the importance of the content marketing strategy. When the client knows the value of content, it will result well for you and your client. 

It is up to you to understand your best client. Here are some types of clients you may encounter during your freelancing tenure:

  • Startups
  • Authors
  • B2B businesses
  • Lawyers and doctors
  • Small businesses,
  • E-commerce stores
  • Retailers
  • Brands
  • Famous Magazines, blogs, and newspapers

Many famous blogs, magazines, and online journals are always looking for quality writing. Writing for those publications is a smart way to make money with freelance writing.

5. Build a strong social presence 

skyrocket your social media presence

The more you are active online, the better you will get new opportunities. Social media plays a vital role because your clients may see your post on Twitter or check your LinkedIn profile. In that way, they can hire you easily by looking at your resume and profiles. 

Being on social media helps to make money with freelance writing and double your earnings. Make your presence online as a freelance writer by these simple steps. 

1. You don't need to create your profile on all social networking sites. Just try LinkedIn as it is the best recruitment platform, or you can use Twitter. 

2. Make sure to complete your professional profile by filling in the bio and description. Make your copy excellent and professional so it will attract the right clients. 

3. Use keywords in your bio like 'copywriter,' 'blog writer or blogger,' or freelance writer. 

4. Professionally portray yourself on your website and social media websites. 

5. Be a bit personal, and keep sharing things on your profile to interact and connect with people. 

6. Keep following people from the same niche to grow your network. 

7. Create your brand and make your own identity. 

8. Keep sharing your content. 

6. Get client's testimonials to represent yourself as an authority

testimonials of clients

Likewise, designers and photographers, freelancers have portfolios with their writing samples. With these samples, your client will look at when they are deciding to hire you. So make sure that your portfolio shows the best writing. 

You have to produce some writing samples for yourself that won't get published except on your business website. You can get the publication credits by writing a guest post for a big website, writing for a magazine, writing for a paper, etc. 

Stick with your specialized area because your client will be surprised to see your samples on his required niche, and he will hire you. 

Furthermore, collect testimonials, recommendations, or endorsements. You need to ask the people you have done free work for. They will be happy to share testimonials and endorsements. 

Also, don't try to make unethical testimonials. It will be devastating for you if your client finds out. Plus, the real comments and testimonials sound more convincing. 

7. Set up your freelance business to make money 

set up your freelance business

Setting up your freelance writing business may differ from country to country. Research to find what is required in your country. It is better to settle with the clients from your place. 

Though you can find clients from different countries, well, it all depends on your expertise and client requirements. 

Set up your PayPal or Stripe account as it is crucial, especially if you are working with international clients. Paypal almost works everywhere, and you can quickly receive your earnings into your PayPal account. 

Don't get tempted and buy a ton of equipment, especially if you are in a startup to make freelance writing. But, you can upgrade your internet connection or your computer so that you can work with ease. 

You can buy a comfy chair and table if you are working as a full-time freelance writer. But, if you are only working for a few hours, there is no need to spend money yet. 

8. Setup your business website  

build your business website

When you become a professional writer and are ready to deal with multiple clients, you may need a proper website. Setting up a website is quite easy and affordable. It becomes so common that your client will be surprised if you don't have one. 

Building your website to make money with freelance writing is the best way to showcase your samples and testimonials. Besides, your website is accessible from any part of the world.

There are a series of steps to start your website:

1. Buy a domain with your name. For example, if your name is Jeshrel, you can check up for the domain names like ( You can use your company name as well if you want to start your business. 

2. If you are starting as a newbie, just use the WordPress website instead of a custom website. WP offers many free templates, or you can buy any that only cost a few dollars. 

3. You are a writer, so make sure to check and proofread your website. 

4. Make it easy to let your clients reach you. Add a contact form and provide your email address so that people can contact you without any hurdles. You can even offer your phone number if feasible. 

9. Join the freelancing platforms

freelance platforms

In case you are not ready to set up your business as a freelance writer, you can go for the freelancing website. 

Sign-up for an account at freelancing websites like Contently, Contena, ProBlogger, Fiverr, Upwork, PeoplePerHour,, etc., to find the relevant jobs. Create your gigs and attractive proposals to tell your clients what you are offering. Opt for micro-blogging to get easily hired. 

10. Write guest posts and earn

guest blogging

Apart from freelancing platforms, there are many sites and magazines that pay writers for contributing guest posts. You need to find them and pitch them a good topic that grabs their attention. 

Here is the list of sites that pay to guest writers.

  1. thesunmagazine
  2. boulevardmagazine
  3. clarkesworldmagazine
  4. chickensoup
  5. alaskaairlinesmagazine
  6. vibrantlife
  7. cracked
  8. focusonthefamily
  9. noodle

List of subreddits to find freelance writing work


Now, as you have a clear picture of how to get started with freelance writing and make it a profitable business, kick-start your freelancing career. Remember that it requires a lot of patience to land on your first client, don't lose hope, and keep working on upgrading your skills. If you are a professional writer, you can start your blog during this time and earn some extra pennies. Whatever you do, just put your heart into it and wait for the results. 

Happy Freelancing!

freelance writing 101

Reader Comments

  1. Loved the post. As a freelancer for the past 6 years, I can attest to all points. Would love to know how and where you made the site. Loved the outline.

  2. Thanks for appreciating the effort. We have our in-house team of dedicated developers and this site is made by one of our senior developer. You can outsource our development service as well if you need. Cheers!

  3. I`ve been interested in freelance writing but didn`t know how to begin. Thank you for your pointed article.

  4. This is a great article. Learnt some new things about writing

  5. It`s a good article about freelance writing. Good job. Keep it up

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