Types of Emails Used In Marketing

types of marketing emails

E-mails are the most popular and one of the powerful tools which help in communication between customers and businesses. Having a well-written, well-structured, and well-designed email copy is vital to the success of your marketing campaigns. You can engage your audience in many ways with emails. You can segment your customers as per their interests and keep them updated in the most relevant way. 

And, when it comes to choosing the right types of emails, you have a wide range of options depending on the strategy you use to get your message across to your audience.

This guide will discuss the different types of emails used in marketing, and how to make your email copy stand out.

Welcome Emails

Welcome emails are sent immediately after a customer subscribes to your product or services. They are one of the best ways to greet new subscribers and say hello! These emails usually have a call-to-action that encourages them to click the link in order to find out more about your business, and this is an opportunity for you to provide valuable information that would help in building customer's trust towards your brand.  

Re-engagement Emails

The sole motive behind re-engagement emails is to bring back inactive subscribers who haven't opened or clicked any links from your previous email campaigns. This type of email includes special offers, discounts, etc., which aim at motivating your audience into taking action. Re-engagement email campaigns are used by businesses aimed to remind subscribed customers about their presence. If there's an offer that might interest them, this is captured in the email as well. The campaign can also be used for providing additional information about a product or service which was not present in the initial welcome email.

Email Newsletters

As a business, you have to be on the top of your game at all times. You need to be able to communicate with your existing and potential customers in an effective manner so that they know what you offer or do. One way of doing this is through email newsletters. Email newsletters are sent periodically to keep your existing customers updated about events, promotions, or any special announcements you want to make. They help bring traffic to your website and give your business an edge over competitors.

Dedicated Emails

Also known as standalone emails, dedicated emails are those that are sent specifically for a special offer or product. It aims to induce interest and a sense of urgency among the audience through limited-time offers, discounts, etc.

Brand Story Emails

Brand story emails are those that are sent periodically to keep your customers informed about the developments regarding your brand. They provide an opportunity for your audience to rediscover your business, especially those who have not bought anything from you for quite a while.

Brand story email is also helpful when it comes to triggering an emotional response from a customer. Let's say, for example, that a customer bought something from you a few months ago and has not made another purchase since. If you can send them an email about how your business helped change someone's life through the product they bought from you, they would likely be moved and hopefully make another purchase in the future.

Leverage the insights of professional copywriters at The Content Unlimited to create conversion-driven email copy. Our email copywriters will help you drive your conversion rates up to 400% in just 200 days. Let's Connect.

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